Hi I’m Pierre,
but everybody calls me Gosti

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TechYourLab · Side project

Since Jan. 2020
Creating a SRE oriented MOOC platform as a side project, it packed an in app webshell spawn as needed for the courses, a test area and many more features.

Veepeez · FullStack

Oct. 2017 - Nov. 2019
Intrapreneurship project at Station F (The World's Biggest Startup Incubator) for veepee (formerly known as vente-privée).
Development of a new mobile application focused on a new social shopping experience targeting millennials.

Veepee · Research and Development Intern

Jan. 2017 - Oct. 2017
Internship at Veepee inside the research and development lab in partnership with my school 42, while there worked on a 3D scanner using photogrametry [see],
an idea aggregator/hackathon manager and a candidate selection plateform.

Topito · Intern

Jul. 2014 - Nov. 2014
Worked on a make-over of the administration panel and adding an polling system


Tech I love using


  • Go
  • Nodejs
  • Python
  • Rust
  • PHP


  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Vue.js
  • React


  • Postgresql
  • Redis
  • ScyllaDB
  • Cassandra
  • RethinkDB


  • Docker
  • Unix
  • Hashicorp stack
  • Sketch


42, Paris

Nov. 2013 - Nov. 2017
42 Is a free programming school created by the French entrepreneur and philanthropist Xavier Niel, I've been from the first promotion.
While there I learned most of my skills and how to adapt to all situation.
The first year of the cursus is mainly C and unix, later years are more open to diverses languages.


Coder Dojo· Mentor

Since div. 2015
Coder Dojo info-date is an association where children, old enough to type on a keyboard, come to learn programming.
Younger ones learn scratch[see] a blocked based programing interface and will later learn HTML or create basics mobile applications.

If you're Paris based and want to mentor kids on your free time once a month: @CoderDojoParis

Dot Conferences · Volunteer

Nov. 2015 - Nov. 2018
Helping setting up and the conferences

Mycraft (gaming community) · Volunteer

2010 - 2013
Creating mods, managing Unix servers



Github: @gosti

Linkedin: @mrgosti